
Step 1: The Perfect Palette

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Discover how to paint with vibrant color and set yourself up for long-term success as an artist.

Beautiful, Vibrant Color

If you’re new to oil painting, the prospect of buying all the necessary paints can be overwhelming. And if you’ve been painting for a while, you might find yourself with a expensive drawer full of paints that you never use. That’s where this class comes in – you’ll learn how to set up the perfect palette with just the paints you need to create the widest range of beautiful colors.

Set Yourself Up For Success

Learn how to use a system of paired primaries for all your work, from landscape to portrait to still life. Become confident in your understanding of pigment and your choice of paints.

In this class, we’ll explore basic color theory and introduce you to the world of mixing oil paints. You’ll learn how to choose the right pigments for your palette and how to mix them effectively. We’ll also delve into the history of pigment and show you how to make informed decisions when buying paints.

Save Money

By the end of this class, you’ll have a perfectly tailored palette that meets your painting needs. You’ll be able to create a full range of colors with just a few paints, saving you time and money. And most importantly, you’ll be setting yourself up for success in all your future paintings.