
Blog posts


Surf’s up!

Carol L. DouglasJun 20, 20132 min read
A Happy Harbor, oil on canvasboard, by little ol’ me. In two days I’ll be on my way to Maine to teach the first of this summer’s workshops. Today’s task was to finalize selections for my season-long show at Lakewatch Manor. Although I would dearly love to bring my painting of the HalveMaen Passing Hudson …

Teaching at Schoen Place on a Wednesday Evening

Carol L. DouglasJun 19, 20131 min read
(An experiment in mobile blogging…) It was a cool clear sparkling evening at Pittsford’s Schoen Place. Discussion commences. This is Stacey’s first time painting ever. Brad VanAuken and Lyn Parsons Lyn and Sophia, Bikers Lyn, Sophia and Brad hard at work. August and September are sold out for my workshop at Lakewatch Manor in Rockland, …

Must the visual arts be a pale imitation of pop culture?

Carol L. DouglasJun 18, 20133 min read
A still life by Amy Digi, from her website, here. While thinking of my many friends in the greater New York area who are accomplished painters—Brad Marshall, Amy Digi, Patti Mollica, Cindy Zaglin (to name just a very few)— I came across thisin the New York Times: “For example, although I’ve lived in New York …

This post is about food. And cooking. Seriously.

Carol L. DouglasJun 17, 20133 min read
Dessert from my last painting workshop, in the Adirondacks. I have every reason to believe the meals at this workshop will be just as good! Only six more days, and I’ll be in Maine teaching. I set out this morning to do my task-of-the-day, which was to determine which paintings go to Rockland with me …

No mandatory retirement or forced disability for painters

Carol L. DouglasJun 16, 20133 min read
Rain, Steam, and Speed – The Great Western Railway, by Joseph Mallord William Turner, was completed in 1844, when the artist was 69 years old. Turner moved fully into the  free, expressive, colorful treatment  at an age when most modern Americans have retired. Two lifelong friends have recently entered hospice—one with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, …